How can we help you?
Tapee home page at the top of right corner, you will see the option of “sign in
When you find the product you want to buy, simply select your size or submit your measurements on our size customization option. Now create an account by sign up options. This helps us speeds up the ordering procedure and allows us to keep you informed about your orders and helps in speedy return refund process if the need be. Once you have placed your order you will receive an e-mail acknowledgement before we initiate our validation process.
We try to process and ship every order within 48 business hours. You can expect to receive your item in 4 -5 business days depending on your location.
The delivery timeline depends upon the delivery address of the customer.
For metros & Tier 1 cities, it may take 3-4 working days, whereas for Tier 2 & 3 cities & rural areas, it may take 5-7 working days.
For International orders, the average delivery time is 7 -15 business days depending on the country of residence.
Note - If there are any alteration that you want to be done to the product, shipping time may vary by a one or more day, depending on the size of the changes required.
You can track your order as soon as it is shipped out. To know the real time status of your item, just tap on the tracking link in the email sent to you. Alternatively, you can also login to website and visit the ‘My Account' section to know your order status.
Of Course! We provide custom size stitching service on our website. You can see "Customization" button on the every product page. Just click on the button and submit your custom measurements. We will provide you stitching as per your customization size requirement.
As part of our offers and giveaways, we share gift coupons with you. If you’ve received a coupon code from us, you will find it in your email. On adding items to your cart, view your ‘Shopping Cart’ before you proceed to ‘Checkout.’ Enter your coupon code in the area marked out for it. Don’t forget to ‘Apply Coupon.’
Yes we accept various Currency .
It’s very easy! Please sign in with your credentials and visit the My Account section. Select the product you want to return and click on Return option and follow the instructions on this page to obtain a Return ID.
The colors of the products on our website have been picture as accurately as possible; however, monitors and screens of computerized devices differ in their display of color, so it may slightly vary depending on the display screen.
We allowed only one-time exchange the item.
We do not deliver single order to multiple addresses. If you want to deliver to multiple addresses, we request you place separate orders for separate addresses.
Always make sure that your e-mail address is correct as an incorrect e-mail address is the most common reason for not receiving an order confirmation. It can also be that your e-mail provider has a SPAM filter that blocks certain emails. So you want to test the spam folder of your e-mail service and mark the e-mail as not SPAM. If you're still not able to find it, please contact to our customer support team to check that your order has been successful.
For Sold Out or Out of Stock products, you could join up to get a notification through e-mail while the product will be back in stock. Please submit your e-mail address, so we will notify you once these item are come back in stock. We will check and let you know, if and when we have to receive this product again.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to combine orders or add items to an existing order. If you want to all your items to be delivered together, you'll need to cancel your order and are a new order which includes all of the items you require.
If you face any issues with the payment, you can inform us within 48 hours of the payment via call at : +91 8140787800 24/7 or email us at : tapeecustomercare@gmail.com for quick chat now even you can whatsapp us at +91 8140787800.
That is not a problem. You just need to modify the width/height ratio in theme settings.
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